Plant Molecular Biology

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Dr. Lehmann, Martin

Dr. Martin Lehmann

Staff Scientist


Plant Metabolism, Metabolomics, Proteomics

Bachelor & Master Courses

Technical Manager of the Service-Unit for Mass Spectrometry (MSBioLMU)


LMU München
Faculty of Biology
Plant Sciences
Großhaderner Str. 2-4
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Room: office: E02.017, lab: F02.021
Phone: +49 89-2180-74653
Fax: +49-89-2180-74599

Work group

AG Leister

Selected Publications:

  • Paul MV, Iyer S, Amerhauser C, Lehmann M, van Dongen JT, Geigenberger P (2016) Oxygen Sensing via the Ethylene Response Transcription Factor RAP2.12 Affects Plant Metabolism and Performance under Both Normoxia and Hypoxia. Plant Physiol 172, 141-53. PMID 27372243
  • Vigani G, Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Lehmann M, Casiraghi FM, Nakanishi H, Seki M, Geigenberger P, Zocchi G, Nishizawa NK (2016) Knocking down mitochondrial iron transporter (MIT) reprograms primary and secondary metabolism in rice plants. J Exp Bot 67, 1357-68. PMID 26685186
  • Lehmann M, Laxa M, Sweetlove LJ, Fernie AR, Obata T (2012) Metabolic recovery of Arabidopsis thaliana roots following cessation of oxidative stress. Metabolomics 8, 143-153. PMID 22279429
  • Araújo WL, Nunes-Nesi A, Osorio S, Usadel B, Fuentes D, Nagy R, Balbo I, Lehmann M, Studart-Witkowski C, Tohge T, Martinoia E, Jordana X, Damatta FM, Fernie AR (2011) Antisense inhibition of the iron-sulphur subunit of succinate dehydrogenase enhances photosynthesis and growth in tomato via an organic acid-mediated effect on stomatal aperture. Plant Cell 23, 600-27. PMID 21307286
  • Lehmann M, Schwarzländer M, Obata T, Sirikantaramas S, Burow M, Olsen CE, Tohge T, Fricker MD, Møller BL, Fernie AR, Sweetlove LJ, Laxa M (2009) The metabolic response of Arabidopsis roots to oxidative stress is distinct from that of heterotrophic cells in culture and highlights a complex relationship between the levels of transcripts, metabolites, and flux. Mol Plant 2, 390-406. PMID 19825624

Publications (complete list)


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